Storage Unit Size Guide

Unit Size: Equivalent to: This Unit will hold:
(25 sq. ft.)
Regular Closet Small furniture: chest of drawers, small mattress set, several boxes and small items.
(50 sq. ft.)
Walk-in Closet Studio or small one bedroom apartment: Matress set, sofa, dining room set, miscellaneous items.
(75 sq. ft.)
Large Closet Standard furnishings from a one bedroom apartment: desk, patio furniture, washer/dryer stacked, boxes and miscellaneous items.
(100 sq. ft.)
Half of one-car garage Furnishings from a one or two bedroom apartment: Refrigerator, patio furniture, washer/dryer, many boxes and miscellaneous items.
(150 sq. ft.)
Two-thirds of car garage Furnishings from a two or three bedroom apartment/house: Appliances, patio furniture, many boxes and extras.
(200 sq. ft.)
Standard one car garage Furnishings from a three or four bedroom apartment/house: Appliances, patio furniture, many boxes and extras.
(300 sq. ft.)
Standard two car garage Furnishings from a four or five bedroom apartment/house: Appliances, patio furniture, garage extras and miscellaneous.